Can We Talk for a Minute?
A series of books created to be a guide to supporting parents, guardians, and mentors - in having short in depth, life building conversations with their teens.
Learn to transform seemingly routine moments, into in-depth and purposeful moments of growth Some of the conversation points covered in this book include; Puberty, Personal Hygiene, Sexuality, Relationships, Substance Use or Abuse, Mental Health, and Career Planning.
About the Book Series
Preview at glance
Book 1
Communication Fundamentals for Parent-Teen Relationships
The first book begins by laying the foundations and setting up a safe space to have conversations with your teen.
Teens are not looking for someone to have all the answers but rather someone they know they can always rely on, trust and that will help them navigate through life.
Topics covered in Book 1:
Book 2
Understanding and Connecting with Your Teenager
In this book will delve deeper into the fascinating world of the teenage brain and the unique challenges and opportunities that come with this stage of development. We'll also explore common teen milestones and navigate various topics to help you understand your teenager as an individual.
We can better support teenagers as they navigate challenging phases of life by understanding both, the areas that are under construction and the impact milestones have in the life.
Topics covered in Book 2:
Book 3
Empowering Teens to Establish Safe Boundaries, Self-Worth & Dignity
In the third book of the series, we focus on empowering teens with the knowledge and tools they need to build self-worth, practice self-care, and handle conflicts constructively.
Topics covered in Book 3:
Book 4
Future Planning for Success in Relationships, Academics, and Beyond
This book provides essential guidance on planning for the future, covering crucial aspects such as developing healthy relationships, setting academic and career goals, understanding financial literacy, and respecting family values and beliefs.
Topics covered in Book 4:
The Importance and Value of This Book Series
In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving society, navigating the teenage years can be challenging for both teens and their parents. The complexities of modern life, including digital influence, academic pressures, and mental health issues, emphasize the importance of building trust, open communication, and a supportive environment. This book series, designed with a deep understanding of these unique challenges, offers invaluable guidance and support for families, providing tools to foster resilience and informed decision-making.
For families, the series enhances communication and fosters a deeper connection between parents and teens. Engaging with the material together allows for shared growth and a stronger home environment. The positive impact extends beyond individual families to local communities, as empowered and informed teens contribute to community well-being and foster a more understanding, respectful society.
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